When Family Comes First


When Family Comes First


Entertainment | Smart TV | Music


Research | Wireframing | Visual design | Micro-interactivity & Animation | Prototyping


Figma | Photoshopt | Canva




Purplr mobile music App has gathered millions of users around the world with about 60% penetration of The United States population. It's aesthetically pleasing visual interface makes it the go-to mobile music app for many who wears the experience around from home to office, during work hours, breaks and vacations, sharing this outstanding experience with family, friends and acquaintances.

Purplr Inc. is presently working on expanding their reach as a subscription streaming service and production by bringing the existing mobile experience closer to their users by exploring interfaces and other devices like smart watches and Smart TV used by their users. Stating out with Smart TV interface, there's a need for an experience designer to design the TV experience and interface ensuring that the product fits modern millennials with different cultural backgrounds living in the United States.

The PRD suggests that the board wants to have a product with an interface similar to Netflix.

Product designer roles: Research, wireframing, visual design, animation & prototyping.

Getting Started

I started out by making a list of the product requirements in the PRD which majorly highlights that the TV App allows users to perform the same tasks they are able to perform on the mobile App and also ensure that the product is able to connect users to their account and loads up their saved playlists, albums and songs.

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